New breeze and hope renewed

These three new chemotherapy sessions were with a different drug that brought me less side effects than the previous ones. Just some fatigue, minor muscular pain and a slight loss of appetite. My defenses kept pretty much high so I could continue with a few activities. My digestive system collapsed after my first 3 chemos, but now I was able to drink my “graviola” and my chinese tea “radix astragali” again. A doctor dedicated to alternatives therapies gave me these two natural medicines. They are well known for their antitumoral properties. It was a great incentive being able to drink them again. Facing such critical situations in life, one holds on to different things apart from traditional medicine. There are lots of resources that, no matter how ridiculous they sound, help very much. Maybe because they are truly effective or maybe because of the faith one deposits in them... Never mind, it all helps and it’s good to be open to other possibilities.

December arrived, Christmas and New Year and then my birthday on January 10th. It was a period of the year full of celebrations so I would alternate chemo sessions with parties. Of course, every time my defenses allowed me. Chemotherapy treatments damage the immunological system and one may be vulnerable to catch viruses or bacteria that could complicate health and risk the continuity of the treatment itself. So, having the approval of my doctors, I would go to a couple of parties to recycle my energy with some music, dancing and nice people.

For my birthday I decided to celebrate despite everything, or better said, precisely because of everything... Celebrate with joy and happiness that I was alive, surrounded by my beloved ones and that I wanted to live. As I always did, celebrate present time with all it’s complexities and challenges, with all its uncertainties and downsides, but appreciating and celebrating this wonderful and mysterious life with its Pandora box.

I took my friends to a korean karaoke right in the korean neighborhood of Buenos Aires. It was an extremely warm night of February 2012, a hilarious and magical night that we will never forget. We gathered that night, singing, dancing and laughing, leaving our rationality aside and we were pure souls, pure positive energy, willing to celebrate precisely for everything.

>> Chapter 08: With renewed energy the struggle goes on

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